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Command-Line Options

The command-line options described here can be used to change the default behaviour of LATEX2HTML. Alternatively, often there is a corresponding environment variable whose value may be set or changed within a .latex2html-init initialisation file, in order to achieve the same result.
There are so many options that they are listed here in groups, according to the nature of the effects they control. When a large number of such options are required for the processing of a document, it is usual to store the switches and their desired settings within a Makefile, for use with the Unix make utility. Now a simple command such as:
  make mydocument
can initiate a call to latex2html that would otherwise take many lines of typing. Indeed it could instigate several such calls to LATEX2HTML, or to other programs such as LATEX and BibTEX, dvips and others. The document segmentation feature, discussed in another section, uses this technique extensively.

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 Ross Moore 1991-03-26    Processed by LaTeX2HTML-FU