The LaTeX2HTML Translator    Drakos/Moore 

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Known Problems


Here are some of the problems that were known to exist with previous versions of LATEX2HTML. Most of those that were real errors are either fixed completely in more recent versions (V98.1 and later), or are much less likely to occur within correct LATEX source. (Some are not really errors but indications of poor style in the user's choices among various ways to organise their source code.)
Several are indeed limitations inherent in the way LATEX2HTML currently performs its processing.
* Unrecognised Commands and Environments:
Unrecognised commands are ignored and any arguments are left in the text. Unrecognised environments are passed to LATEX and the result is included in the document as one or more inlined images. There are very few standard LATEX commands that are not recognised. Many common TEX commands are recognised also, even though not explicitly mentioned in the LATEX blue book. Any aberrant commands should be reported to the LATEX2HTML mailing list.

* Index:
The translator generates its own index by saving the arguments of the \index command. The contents of the theindex environment are ignored. When using the makeidx package, very sophisticated Indexes can be built automatically. The Index for this manual is a good example.

* New Definitions:
New definitions (\newcommand, \newenvironment, \newtheorem and \def), will not work as expected if they are defined more than once. Only the last definition will be used throughout the document. Stylistically it is bad to declare new environments or theorems outside of the document preamble, so this should not cause any real problems.
Changes to commands using \def or \renewcommand should usually be made only locally, within special environments, to set a needed parameter; e.g. a basic length in a picture environment. But when such environments force an image to be generated, then LATEX will make the correct redefinition.

* Scope of declarations and environments:
If the scope of a declaration or environment crosses section boundaries, then the output may not be as expected, because each section is processed independently.
This is inherent to the way LATEX2HTML does its processing. It will not be different unless later versions change this strategy; (e.g. if LATEX2HTML-NG ever becomes fully integrated.)

* Math-mode font-size changes:
Math-mode font changes made outside the math-mode are not honoured. Thus the two equations in $a_b$ and {\LARGE $a_b$} would come out looking the same. The trick is to write $a_b and $\mbox{\LARGE $a_b$}$.

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 Ross Moore 1991-03-26    Processed by LaTeX2HTML-FU