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U.S. Miata Owners Club
Posted by Leon on October 07, 2001 at 18:56:22:

Hi, BBMC members (and nonmembers),

Below is a communication from Bob Hotaling, who has apparently been
selected to represent our region in the national Miata Owners Club.
(MOC. What used to be the Miata Club of America). They are
formulating their policy.

Bob is (supposedly) inviting your comments. He also has one concrete
proposal, to make membership for the MOC (about $30 a year) *required*
for membership in local level Miata Clubs such as ours. This may
produce benefits such as reduced insurance rates.

Leave your comments here. If you want, instead you can
e-mail Bob Hotaling directly at


Below is the letter he sent us:


Miata Club Representatives of the Southeastern Region


As most of you hopefully have heard, Miata Owners' Club (MOC) will be
holding an organizational meeting on October 26, 2001 at Mazda North
America Headquarters in Irvine, California. Members of the MOC
Advisory Committee from the Southeastern Area are graciously allowing
me to represent them at that meeting. The meeting attendees will
consist of the 5 US area representatives, a Canadian representative, a
representative from Miata Magazine, representatives from the MOC
management team (ADG), and Mazda representatives. The purpose of the
day one day meeting is to assist formulate the future of MOC and how
it will serve its members.

While I have some ideas already, I would ask that each of you pole
your members (get help from your officers if you have a large club)
and identify what you would like to see in a National Miata Club.
Please feel free to provide constructive criticism of what you would
not like as well. For instance, would your club be willing to not
only fully affiliate with MOC as a Chapter of the National but would
you also be willing to make membership in MOC a stipulation of local
club membership "if" it could in return guarantee your club certain
benefits such as event insurance at reduced rates, seed money for
certain activities, rebates, etc? This meeting is the place to put
concepts on the table -- to see what Mazda will support.

I would ask that you forward your ideas to me via email not later than
October 19th so that I can provide a meaningful consolidation to the
meeting planners and have a presentation organized for the meeting on
the 26th.

My home phone number is 407.788.4597 and I would welcome your call to
discuss any issues at any time. E-Mail is also an excellent way to
get in touch with me.

If possible, please also indicate how many of your local club members
are already members of MOC. Why they are not is as important to me as
why those who are have decided to join.

Many thanks for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from each
of you in the very near future. Post-meeting, I will be providing you
a summary/minutes.

Bob Hotaling

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